Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Assembling Our Invitations.

CLICK HERE to see how we chose our invitations.
CLICK HERE to see how we ordered our invitations.
After we designed our invitations, wording and layout I sent them to Charlotte for her to print.

A week later... VOILA! 

I LOVED them!!

I got everyone together that would actually be there to help: Jon, my mom, and my sister. I know, I have tons of helpers. Haha. It is okay though, because I am extremely bad about not letting anyone help with anything. 
Yes, I am one of those people that believes if I want something done right, I have to do it myself.

So we set everything out on my parents' dinning room table. The inserts were setup in an assembly line.

This is one of the two things I "allowed" Jon to do. 
(Yes, I know, I am a terrible person. But at least I admit it.)

And here is the other thing Jon was "in charge of" (I think that sounds better). Oh and he is embossing the return address on the envelopes.

So after Jon had stuffed all of the inserts into the invitations, I glued the actual invitation to the pink mat.

Then we folded it up.

And sealed it using the monogram that I designed and glued to the small monogram squares we ordered online. (Sadly I do not have pictures of this very small step, but I think you get it).

Next is the very important part!

Actually we kind of skipped it, but I will go back and explain what the heck I am talking about...

See where is says "We have reserved __ seat(s) in your honour." ?
That part was not left blank!
Instead we (my mom) wrote in the number of people we were inviting within that household. Some people may think this is rude or tacky, but when you are paying $$$ per person - trust me, you don't want grandma bringing all of her Bingo buddies!
(And just to prove I am not crazy, because I did not come up with this on my own, you should read a few more: here & here!)

We still had to do one more thing to the Reply cards before we put them with the invitations.
We Had To Number Them.
I know you must think I'm crazy, but again I do have previous brides backing me up on this one. The point in numbering the cards? 
How many times in school did you forget to put your name on your paper? -A Million
And what happened to it? -It went in the trash
So in order to avoid that we numbered each Reply Card on the back that corresponds to each household on a spreadsheet. 

(Very valuable information on this topic: herehere, & here!)

Once we had done all of that, then we had to carefully match them up with their correct envelope.

Then we set them out on the table and my sister did her one job, which was stuffing the envelopes (yes, those are her Goldfish).

This part made me nervous, I do not know why. (Probably because I didn't want the USPS messing up these gorgeous invitations that I had spent 3 months designing and putting together.)

After I hand canceled all of them, I sent them on their way!

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